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Behavioral biometrics can thread the compliance and security needle, report says

Goode Intelligence reviews regulatory landscape

digital identity KYC security

Behavioral biometrics provide a golden opportunity for organizations and consumers to address personal data theft concerns and developing legislative and regulatory responses at the same time, according to a new report from BehavioSec and Goode Intelligence.

Regulations like GDPR, PSD2 and the California Consumer Privacy Act may soon be joined by new measures, including from the U.S. federal level, and between the limitations they impose and negative publicity for remote identification technologies like face biometrics, the report was commissioned to consider how the next wave of behavioral biometrics technologies can help provide secure identity assurance.

The ‘2021 Global Data Privacy Regulation of Physical & Behavioral Biometrics’ considers the input of global bank customers, research, and legal opinion from attorneys at Osborne Clarke and outlines how behavioral biometrics can be implemented with confidence while complying with some of the world’s most stringent privacy and data protection laws.

“As we move more of our personal and business tasks online, it is becoming increasingly important to secure digital channels,” says Alan Goode, founder, CEO and chief analyst of Goode Intelligence. “Mobile security is more important than ever before and behavioral biometric technology has proven itself as a vital tool in enabling secure access to digital services, preventing fraudsters from gaining access, all while remaining compliant to GDPR, among others.”

The report’s findings will be presented in a U.S.-based webinar titled ‘Biometrics & Digital Identity Verification – 2021 Data Protection & Privacy Regulation Insights’ on May 25 featuring Bob Bragdon of CSO, Goode, and a panel of ForgePoint Capital’s Dr. Shane Hook, BehavioSec VP of Products Jordan Blake, and Jake Bernstein J.D., an attorney with Focal PLLC.

“It is crucial to proactively stir these debates now on how new technologies define identity and authentication, before assumptions and lack of transparency – even if unintended – irrevocably shake public and policymakers’ trust,” adds Bernstein, who specialized in prosecuting consumer protection cases during his time in the U.S. Washington State Attorney General’s office. “The boundary between improving digital trust and triggering privacy and identity crises does not have to be a slippery slope where biometric-based systems are concerned. Yet, perceived missteps and alleged abuse of facial-recognition and other innovations to-date show us what stakeholders, including businesses, have to avoid.”

On May 26, a second webinar, on ‘2021 Global Regulation of Physical & Behavioral Biometrics for Digital Identity Verification,’ will be hosted by Goode to present research on the impact of regulation on biometrics implementations, with a focus on Europe. The latter webinar will include insights from Osborne Clarke on the use of BehavioSec’s behavioral biometrics platform within the German banking sector.

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