Test of mDL interoperability organized by SpruceID, AAMVA

New York-based SpruceID is running a test of mobile driver’s license interoperability along with government officials and businesses working on digital identity standardization.
SpruceID provides open-source infrastructure for digital credentialing.
The test will be fully remote and asynchronous, and evaluate online identity verification with mDLs based on the ISO/IEC 18013-7 standard in development for mDL add-on functions. It is being carried out over a two-week duration at the end of August.
The American Association of Motor Vehicle Authorities (AAMVA) and members of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC17/WG10 are collaborating with SpruceID on the test. Australian government transport agency group Austroads has endorsed the event, according to the announcement. SpruceID is working with the California DMV to jointly test online identity verification with the state’s recently launched mDL.
Participants in the test include the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), while industry participants include Google, Panasonic, Samsung and Okta. The participants are encouraged to test their verifier or mDL app implementations with both OpenID4VP and RestAPIs.
Test guidelines and mDL implementation requirements are available from SpruceID.
A report on the results of the test will be published following completion to help guide the alignment of global standards.
Article Topics
AAMVA | digital ID | driver's license | interoperability | ISO standards | mDL (mobile driver's license) | SpruceID