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Search Results for: Kaliya Young


Bhutan launches wallet pilot, unveils website for national SSI digital ID

Bhutan is advancing the deployment of blockchain-based digital ID, with the government recently unveiling a website and social media handles…


Thoughtful Biometrics: DNA, vendor-tactics, better signage and finding common ground

The virtual Thoughtful Biometrics “unconference” on all things biometric generated fifteen different sessions, chosen at the start of the day…


Verifiable Credentials go mainstream at Identiverse 2022

The digital identity community came together last week at arguably the first major and fully in-person conference since 2019 –…


Thoughtful Biometrics event returns to advance ethical practices

Dates for the second Thoughtful Biometrics conference have been announced. The virtual conference will happen across 4 days between July…


Businesses’ desire to store less digital identity data stokes travel’s SSI brushfire

The potential use cases for self-sovereign identity to transform the travel industry are almost limitless, particularly with the impending arrival…


Crunch time for user-centric digital identity with DID spec fight

‘Identity Woman’ Kaliya Young is optimistic about the near future of user-controlled digital identity, perhaps in the form of self-sovereign…


EEMA builds digital identity curriculum for public and private policymakers

Help is on the way for organizations needing a better foundation when it comes to digital identity-related trends. An independent…


Self-sovereign identity or an ‘infinitely scalable low-cost federation’

The concepts, potential and pitfalls of self-sovereign identity are discussed in a recent podcast episode by Kaliya Young, aka ‘The…


The Thoughtful Biometrics Workshop

The Thoughtful Biometrics Workshop Online March 8, 10 and 12, 2021, 9:00am-1:00 pm PST This new event intends to bring…


Thoughtful Biometrics Workshop launched to bring fresh perspectives to technology challenges

A new biometrics event has been unveiled with the intention of bringing together a diverse set of stakeholders including privacy…

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