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Search Results for: MOVEit


Amazon, Delta employee PII exposed in data breaches

Amazon and Delta Airlines both confirmed this week that a data breach exposed information about an untold number of their…


Fake ID and ATO fraud rising say US firms

Real estate transactions involve significant amounts of money. It’s not surprising that 1 percent of transactions handled by title companies—third…


Data breach, identity fraud trends reveal deepfake and generative AI threats

Identity trends in 2023 saw generative AI facilitate the creation of fake IDs. Notable breaches affected millions around the world,…


Pair of personal-health data breaches reported – one involves biometric identifiers

Lawyers defending U.S. companies sued for breaking biometric privacy laws sometimes make comparisons between the large fines businesses face and…


Biometrics rolling out at scale in maturing markets with next ones on horizon

Biometrics for age verification and payments, with business wins by Persona and Idex respectively, made up two of the top…


Theft of driver’s license data in Louisiana could be a big test for digital ID

There are reports that 6 million public records have been exposed in the U.S. state of Louisiana, part of a…

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