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Search Results for: VST Enterprises


VST Enterprises launches self-sovereign COVID and vaccination digital ID

Manchester-based technology firm VST Enterprises has announced what it calls the first 5-In-1 digital health passport and wallet. Dubbed V-Health…


How biometrics, digital health credentials could save sports, large event venues

During a webinar in May, biometrics experts discussed how mobile payments and biometrics can help sports arenas and other large…


Contactless biometrics and fever detection demand, digital ID credentials top industry news this week

The biometrics industry continues to adjust to the global lockdown with new offerings for fever detection, attempts to find early…


British startups introduce digital passports to help during coronavirus crisis

VST Enterprises (VSTE) has developed a biometrics-backed digital healthcare passport with VCode to assist with the fight against COVID-19, the…


Biometrics industry stocks this week

As the biometrics industry continues to grow Biometric Update is bringing a new focus to the stories around the stocks…

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