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40878 Ratingen

Speed ​​Biometrics GmbH

Speed ​​Biometrics GmbH is a German provider of self-service solutions for live capture of biometric data for official documents. Speed ​​Capture offers citizens reliability and efficiency when capturing and quality assurance of biometric data such as facial images, signatures and fingerprints. The system implements a completely digital acquisition workflow for biometric data for authorities to ensure fast, cost-saving and citizen-oriented administrative processes.

Explaining Biometrics


Back to the secure future: The need for multi-factor authentication

By Ján Lunter, Founder and CEO of Innovatrics  Apparently, doomsday won’t be a meteorite strike, but a cyber-security tragedy: According…


Creating smarter government IDs: The process, from creation and enrollment to issuance

This is a guest post by Joby Mathew, HID Global Director: Citizen Identity Solutions EMEA The adoption of HID Global’s…


What is digital ID?

Digital ID is a form of credential which is presented electronically to support a claim about the identity of the…


Centralized identity systems vs. decentralized identity systems

Legal and digital identity systems are organized in centralized or decentralized architectures. To appreciate the difference between these two types…


How social login is pushing passwords into an early grave

By Deepak Gupta, CTO & Co-Founder of LoginRadius Passwords are a thing of the past. They’re too hard to remember, they don’t…


Death registration: Vital to the legal identity agenda

Even if it comes last on the natural pecking order of the civil registration chain, death registration remains an integral…

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