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mobile transactions

Biometric Update regularly releases articles about the topic "mobile transactions." The following list of links is available to help you find biometrics news concerning "mobile transactions" and other relevant terms. More tags may be explored by reviewing our entire Biometrics Topics list.


MePIN adds liveness detection option to authentication platform

MePIN has added human recognition and user recognition options to its MePIN Universal Authentication platform which can be used together…


Indian government calls on vendors to make affordable biometric smartphones

In an effort to more quickly move towards digital cashless economy, the Indian government is calling on local smartphone vendors…


Digital identity verification firm Jumio wins Austrian start-up award

Jumio has been awarded the title of Austrian start-up of the year in the Central European Start-Up Awards. Jumio’s digital…


Qualcomm adds fingerprint authentication support for WeChat mobile payment service

Qualcomm has become the first company to support hardware-backed biometric fingerprint authentication capabilities for Tencent’s WeChat mobile payment service, enabled…


Morpho mobile face authentication solution certified by FIDO

Morpho’s ‘selfie-based’ mobile biometrics authentication solution has been certified by FIDO (Fast Identity Online) Alliance, validating the quality of Morpho’s…


Congress investigates security of mobile payments

The House Energy & Commerce Committee held a hearing Tuesday to preliminary review disruptive technologies in the mobile payments space,…


New white paper highlights how biometrics could improve air travel

Tascent, Inc. has published a new white paper, “A New Golden Age for Air Travel,” which looks at a handful…


Mitek’s facial recognition platform: Q&A with Sarah Clark

Mitek recently enhanced its instant ID document verification solution, Photo Verify, by adding facial recognition capabilities. The end result is…

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