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Features and Interviews

Biometric Update offers exclusive features and executive interviews along with forward-looking, systematic data about the global biometrics market. Interviews provide perspectives from companies in the industry, their partners, analysts and other stakeholders in the ecosystem, individually or as part of in-depth features. Read our exclusive ID4Africa coverage.


FaceTec free biometric IDV app launch for UR Codes kicks off adoption push

FaceTec has big plans for UR Codes, its digitally signed biometric barcodes, and has released the free Scan+Match apps to…


ISO biometric injection attack detection standard on the way

An international standard for biometric injection attack detection is now in development by the International Organization for Standardization. As usual…


Age assurance community gathers to work on global standards for local regulations

The global community of age assurance stakeholders is preparing to meet in Amsterdam to discuss a rapidly changing regulatory landscape,…


New civil registration law refocuses Cameroon’s push for SDG 16.9 legal ID target

Ornela Ndip is a 25-year-old internally displaced person (IDP) who fled her hometown of Kembong, Manyu Division, South West Region…


BorderAge promises 100% anonymous age assurance with hand gesture modality

Imagine a magician who waves their hands not to conjure a white rabbit, but to provide age assurance without collecting…


Biometric transactions to generate $315B by 2028: Prism Project

The boom in biometrics as the only reliable link between humans and their digital identities and data will continue through…


Biometrics starts 2025 with new and increasingly clear roles in the digital world

Biometrics were asked to do more than ever before in 2024, with some use cases, like age assurance, graduating to…


What we talk about when we talk about ‘humanness’

One of the more curious promises of technology in the 21st century is that it can confirm someone’s humanity. It…


Networks aim to make digital identity truly reusable in 2025

Reusable digital identity emerged as one of the most prominent trends of the year in identification and fraud prevention. But…


Financial services need digital identity stitched together, investors take note

Investments in biometrics and digital identity have slowed in the wake of an early-2020s hype cycle, but investors are still…

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