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Biometric Solutions

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Access Control

Access control refers to exerting control over who can interact with a resource. Often but not always, this involves an authority, who does the controlling. The resource can be a given building, group of buildings, or computer-based information system. Find access control solutions here.

Age Verification

Age verification is used to control access to restricted goods, services, or content, often using biometrics or facial analysis. It is used either online or in-person. Find age verification solutions here.

Behavioral Biometrics

Behavioral biometric verification methods include keystroke dynamics, gait analysis, voice ID, mouse use characteristics, signature analysis and cognitive biometrics. Find Behavioral biometrics solutions here.

Biometric Cards

Using smart cards with biometrics results in a trusted credential for authenticating an individual’s identity using one-to-one biometric verification. With the biometric template stored on the smart card, comparison can be made locally, without the need for connection to a database of biometric identifiers. Find biometric smart card solutions here.

Biometric Software

Biometric software allows for biometrics-based devices and the computers and networks they are connected to, to be interoperable and compatible with each other. It allows different application software on different operating systems to be compatible and allows for an effective and working connection. Find biometric software solutions here.

Biometrics Consultants

Biometric consultants can assist in identifying and assessing threats and security risks to your company and suggest the best solutions. Find biometric consultants here.

Border Management

Companies providing biometric services for national and immigration registries, and systems such as automated border control (ABC) kiosks, terminals and eGates used at borders and in airports. Find port and border management solutions here.

Biometric Testing

Biometric testing services evaluate algorithms, hardware, or integrated solutions to assess characteristics like accuracy, or against established standards. Evaluation to ISO/IEC standards for presentation attack detection (PAD) are among increasingly popular testing services provided by certified, independent laboratories. Find biometric testing services here.

Civil / National ID

Civil ID is generally thought of as the use of biometrics to identify or verify the identity of individuals when interacting with governments. Examples of this could be for the purposes of document issuance, border management, voter registration or employment background checks. Find civil id solutions here.

Criminal ID

Criminal ID is one of the largest biometric markets. It includes criminal AFIS systems, the use of biometrics by police officers in the field, prison/courthouse applications, and counter fraud and terror initiatives. Find criminal ID solutions here.

Digital Identification

The importance of digital ID for online transactions and applications such as immunity passports or safe travel credentials has taken on dramatically increased importance due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Biometrics are used to secure these transactions and applications against fraud, and to protect the data privacy of users, usually with an initial comparison of a selfie image with an official ID document for onboarding. Find digital identification solutions here.

Document Verification

Automated document verification technology is used to confirm the authenticity and validity of official documents, such as passports, driver’s licenses, identity cards, and other forms of official identification. This process is often deployed in industries such as finance, healthcare, travel, and government to ensure that individuals are who they claim to be and that the documents they provide are genuine. Automated document verification solutions are often integrated into digital platforms and systems to help businesses and organizations comply with regulations, mitigate risks, and maintain trust with customers and partners. Find document verification solutions here.

Facial Recognition

A facial recognition system is a computer application for automatically identifying or verifying a person from a digital image or a video frame from a video source. It is typically used in security systems and can be compared to other biometrics such as fingerprint or eye iris recognition systems. Find facial recognition solutions here.

Fingerprint Recognition

Fingerprint recognition or fingerprint authentication refers to the automated method of verifying a match between two human fingerprints. Fingerprints are one of many forms of biometrics used to identify individuals and verify their identity. Find fingerprint recognition solutions here.

Identity Proofing

Fingerprint recognition or fingerprint authentication refers to the automated method of verifying a match between two human fingerprints. Fingerprints are one of many forms of biometrics used to identify individuals and verify their identity. Find identity proofing solutions here.

Industry Organizations

Organizations in the digital identity sector bring together a diverse range of stakeholders, including technology providers, users, researchers, and policymakers, to foster the development, standardization, and ethical application of biometric and digital ID technologies. Find industry organizations here.

Iris / Eye Recognition

Iris recognition is an automated method of biometric identification that uses mathematical pattern-recognition techniques on video images of the irides of an individual’s eyes, whose complex random patterns are unique and can be seen from some distance. Find iris recognition solutions here.

Liveness Detection

Liveness detection is used to secure authentication and verification processes against presentation attacks, and is increasingly recognized as essential to robust biometric security systems. The capability can be built into facial, voice, and even fingerprint or vein recognition. Find liveness detection solutions here.

Mobile Biometrics

Governments and private industry are turning to mobile biometrics to speed up processing of people and goods in law enforcement, military, public transportation, border control, healthcare and commercial shipping. Find mobile biometric solutions here.

Payment Solutions

Biometric authentication technology is making its way into the retail industry as a quick way to manage and handle employee and Point-of-Sale (POS) requirements. For retailers this means an easy way to bring the security of biometrics into their operations with out needing to invest in separate technologies. Find biometrics-based payment solutions here.

Selfie Biometrics

Selfie biometrics, also known as face biometrics, is a technology that uses unique characteristics of a person’s face to verify their identity. Selfie biometric solutions typically involves capturing an image of a person’s face using a camera. The captured image is then processed using algorithms that extract key facial features and compare them against a database of stored biometric templates to determine if there is a match. Selfie biometrics are popular for unlocking smartphones, verifying identity for digital payments and transactions, and enhancing security in areas such as access control and border control. Find selfie biometrics solutions here.


Surveillance is the monitoring of the behavior, activities, or other changing information, usually of people for the purpose of influencing, managing, directing, or protecting. It is sometimes done in a surreptitious manner and it most usually refers to observation of individuals or groups by government organizations. Find surveillance solutions here.

Temperature Monitoring

Biometric identification systems with a combination of thermal measurement and facial recognition used for applications like access control, time and attendance tracking, and security surveillance. Find temperature monitoring solutions here.

Vein Recognition

Vein recognition systems are amongst the newest biometric technologies to have emerged in the recent past. Vein authentication uses the vascular patterns of an individual’s palm/finger/back of the hand as personal identification data. Find vein recognition solutions here.

Voice Biometrics

Voice biometrics systems can be used to verify a person’s claimed identity or to identify a particular person. It is often used where voice is the only available biometric identifier, such as over the telephone. Find voice biometrics solutions here.

Workforce Management

Biometrics-based workforce management provides a common set of performance-based tools to support corporate management, frontline supervisors, store managers and workers across manufacturing, distribution, transportation, and retail operations. It is a complete approach designed to make a workforce as productive as possible, reduce labor costs, and improve customer service. Find workforce management solutions here.

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