Mobile Biometrics Applications
This mobile biometrics market report by Biometrics Research Group, Inc. provides an overview of the mobile biometrics market and the elements contributing to its growth towards global ubiquity.
Mobile Biometrics Market Report
The report covers the market for biometric applications on mobile devices as an enhancement or alternative to passwords, which will continue to see enormous growth due to consumer demand for convenient security. This is particularly the case for uses like banking and commerce where security is critical. Other market segments include enterprise and consumer data security, law enforcement and border control, and physical location access.
The number of manufacturers and models of biometric smartphones, and their lowering cost, will contribute to the rapid adoption of mobile biometrics. By 2020, 700 million users will make $750 billion in annual transactions with mobile devices, driven by the improved customer experience and security provided by biometrics.
A number of product and service leaders are identified in the report, including Aware, Inc., EyeVerify, Veridium, Apple, BioEnable, Fingerprint Cards, Google, Nuance, Precise Biometrics, Safran Identity & Security, ValidSoft, and VoiceVault.
The report defines the mobile biometrics market, identifying common deployments and use cases, and methods of delivery. A white paper provided by Aware details the authentication standards that will change security and mobile payments. The Mobile Biometric Applications report also explores deterrence of fraud with mobile authentication, spoof detection for mobile facial biometrics, and the different benefits and types of implementations of mobile biometric authentication.
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