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Secure Identity Alliance partners with Norwegian tech university on Privacy by Design

Secure Identity Alliance partners with Norwegian tech university on Privacy by Design

The Secure Identity Alliance (SIA), the identity advisory group which provides the OSIA digital identity framework, has partnered with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) to collaborate on ‘privacy by design’ principles and ensure they are embedded into ID schemes operating within OSIA (Open Standards Identity API).

The SIA, whose board is made up of French firms Idemia, Thales, IN Groupe and Germany’s Veridos, considers its OSIA digital identity management system a digital public good. It will work with NTNU’s Department of Information Security and Communication Technology (IIK) to evaluate how privacy by design principles are integrated into OSIA use cases and identify privacy threats and mitigation strategies.

“To ensure an ethical and responsible approach to managing citizen’s data, identity ecosystems must embed privacy by design – from repositories through to interface levels,” comments Debora Comparin, chair of the OSIA initiative.

“We’re delighted that this new partnership with NTNU will enable us to further entrench within OSIA’s implementations the guiding privacy by design principles, practices and technical standards that will enable governments around the globe to evolve their national ID systems with confidence to initiate secure and transparent digital ID schemes that protect the privacy of all.”

Guinea is one of the latest countries to adopt OSIA, choosing Idemia to implement the system for its national digital ID.

“Teaming up with SIA to further integrate privacy principles into National Identity Systems leveraging OSIA is an exciting development for our research group,” comments Livinus Obiora Nweke, research fellow at the NTNU’s Multidisciplinary Research group on Privacy and data protEcTion (or “MR PET”).

“This partnership provides us with a unique opportunity to work with relevant stakeholders across the identity management ecosystem.”

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