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The Biometric Update Team


Biometric Update is published by the Biometrics Research Group Inc., a leading market research supplier and consultancy to the global biometrics industry. Geared to businesses and consumers alike, we cut through the clutter and deliver the content that matters to you.

You can contact any member of the Biometric Update team here or find us on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.

Meet the team

Stephen Mayhew is co-founder and publisher of Biometric Update.

Allison Heather is co-founder and director of sales at Biometric Update.

Chris Burt is managing editor of Biometric Update.

Masha Borak is a technology journalist.

Bianca Gonzalez is a writer and solutions journalist.

Ayang Macdonald is a reporter in Yaounde, Cameroon.

Joel McConvey is a regular contributor.

Jim Nash is a business journalist in the USA.

Kathleen Oliver manages media trades for Biometric Update.

Rawlson King is a contributing editor. Currently on leave.

We are hiring.

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