D3-Digital Data Dimension
D3 provides the best quality biometric systems which enhances productivity and efficiency. We make use of latest innovative technologies for developing the best access control and workforce management system. We offer IT solutions like Time attendance system, IP CCTV, Queue management system etc.
Explaining Biometrics
Understanding digital identity acceptance, proofing, and assurance
Digital identity acceptance, identity proofing, and identity assurance are terms commonly used in the field of identity management and security….
Explainer: DNA and DNA Profiling
Among various possible biometric modalities, DNA provides the most reliable personal identification. It is intrinsically digital, and does not change…
Explainer: Healthcare and Medical Biometrics
Healthcare biometrics refers to biometric applications in doctors’ offices, hospitals, or for use in monitoring patients. This can include access…
What is digital ID?
Digital ID is a form of credential which is presented electronically to support a claim about the identity of the…
ID verification explainer: How does IDV tech work?
ID document validation technologies are tools designed to assist companies and governments in establishing the authenticity of documents. IDVTs typically…
Banks Are Now Embracing The Newer And Tougher Signature Verification System
Every branch of every bank maintains customer signatures on index cards or similar documents. These cards are physically stored in…