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Biometric Update regularly publishes posts regarding the term "Criipto." The following set of links is available to assist you with finding biometrics news concerning "Criipto" and other relevant terms. More tags may be explored by accessing our comprehensive Biometrics Topics list.


Norway proposes raising social media age limit to 15 backed by age verification system

The Norwegian government has unveiled a proposal to increase the minimum age for social media use to 15, in a…


Criipto CEO’s phishing tales make for a wild ride at Authenticate 2024

Copenhagen-based firm Criipto was recently acquired by the parent company of Norwegian BankID, which runs Norway’s digital identity infrastructure. So…


EUDI Wallet sees more tensions, new criticisms and some wins

Discussions on the technical specifications of the European digital identity project are seeing more confrontation which could potentially lead to…


Norwegian BankID parent targets European expansion with acquisition

BankAxept AS, the operator of Norway’s largest digital identity BankID, is expanding its footprint in Europe. The company has acquired…

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