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Good Technology

Biometric Update regularly writes posts about the topic "Good Technology." The following set of links is available to assist you with finding biometrics news regarding "Good Technology" and other relevant terms. Additional tags may be perused by reviewing our complete Biometrics Topics list.


Webinar addressed myths surrounding 2FA, biometrics

Last week, BiometricUpdate.com was pleased to moderate a webinar entitled “Debunking Biometric Myths: Moving Beyond Passwords to Empower Your Mobile…


Join us for a webinar about two-factor authentication with EyeVerify and Good Technology

On Wednesday November 12 at 2:00 EST we’ll be co-hosting a webinar entitled “Debunking Biometric Myths: Moving Beyond Passwords to…


Top biometrics news stories, week of June 8

Biometrics Week in Review: Apple debuts TouchID API, Facial recognition 30% more accurate, NEC launches MAG1C, facial recognition vending machines,…


Good Technology launches authentication framework, partners with biometrics companies

Good Technology has announced the launch of a new trusted authentication framework, which it says enabled enterprise app developers to leverage…

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