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Biometric Update regularly writes news related to the term "identification." The following list of links is available to assist you with finding biometrics news related to "identification" and other relevant terms. Additional tags may be perused by reviewing our comprehensive Biometrics Topics list.


2019 Intelligent Authentication Conference

2019 Intelligent Authentication Conference June 4, 2019 Munich, Germany The 2019 Intelligent Authentication Conference is dedicated to understanding how authentication…


Ethics guidelines for trustworthy AI published by European Commission

The European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on AI has published its Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI, which sets out seven…

Blink Identity

Blink Identity’s identity in motion product identifies people as they walk past a sensor at full walking speed, enabling frictionless…

Identification Technology Association

The Identification Technology Association is an industry association promoting the use and widespread adoption of biometric, identity management, and cybersecurity…


Personal re-identification innovation could extend camera tracking beyond facial biometrics

The utility of facial recognition in public surveillance systems could be significantly improved if the systems could continue to identify…


Frost & Sullivan predict mobile biometrics growth in APAC region driven by smart devices

The proliferation of smart devices is one of the key factors driving the growth of biometrics adoption in the Asia-Pacific…


Smart Cards Expo 2019

Smart Cards Expo 2019 co-located with Biometrics India Expo / RFID India Expo Hall 9, India Expo Centre. Greater Noida,…


ID4Africa Identity Council launches as Ambassador ranks grow to record 43

ID4Africa has announced the appointment of Ambassadors from 14 new countries for its 2019 Ambassador class, and will host a…


Are they who they say they are? Intellicheck’s (stock info) instant, accurate identity verification solutions provide trust and certainty in…

StereoVision Imaging, Inc.

Founded in 2000, StereoVision Imaging, Inc. (SVI) is the world leader in human identification technology through our revolutionary and proprietary…

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