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Intelligent Fingerprinting

Biometric Update regularly publishes articles related to the term "Intelligent Fingerprinting." The following list of links is available to help you find biometrics news about "Intelligent Fingerprinting" and other relevant terms. Additional topics may be explored by reviewing our comprehensive Biometrics Topics list.


Rapid fingerprint test for drugs might detect COVID-19

Executives at a biometrics firm in England say their portable fingerprint-reading technology could be used to diagnose COVID-19 in 10…


More investment for Intelligent Fingerprinting mobile drug screening solution

In its latest funding round, UK-based Intelligent Fingerprinting has raised £2.5 million ($3.6M USD) investment from private UK and US…


Biometrics 2015, upgrading identification technology and fingerprint authentication this week’s most popular news

Here’s a recap of the most popular biometrics industry news that appeared on BiometricUpdate.com this past week. Upgrading biometric technologies…


Intelligent Fingerprinting presents data on fingerprint drug screening pilot

Intelligent Fingerprinting recently presented evaluation data from its pilot project testing the potential use of its new mobile drug screening…


Fingerprint drug screening research trials begin in Finland

Intelligent Fingerprinting, along with addiction medicine experts at the University of Eastern Finland and Addoz Oy, have announced the launch of a…


Intelligent Fingerprinting gets US patent for fingerprint drug tests

Intelligent Fingerprinting has been awarded its first US patent, which protects its technique for detecting substances within fingerprint sweat deposits in…

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