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live scan fingerprints

Biometric Update regularly authors posts about the topic "live scan fingerprints." The following set of links is available to help you find biometrics news about "live scan fingerprints" and other relevant terms. Additional tags may be explored by accessing our entire Biometrics Topics list.


Accurate Biometrics to provide CARCO clients with live scan fingerprinting solutions

Background screening and risk mitigation firm CARCO Group has partnered with Accurate Biometrics to offer a range of live scan…

Xperix Inc.

Xperix (stock info) is a leading global provider of biometrics and ID solutions. Combining cutting-edge biometrics and technologies, Xperix provides…


CARCO partners with Accurate Biometrics to provide fingerprint solutions

Risk mitigation and background screening firm CARCO Group, Inc. announced it has partnered with Accurate Biometrics, Inc. to provide live…


Australian bill to beef up biometric border controls for children

The Australian government has introduced new legislation aimed to bulk up Australia’s biometrics system by allowing authorities to collect biometric…


MorphoTrust awarded $85M TSA contract to expedite airport passengers

MorphoTrust USA announced it has been awarded with an $85 million contract from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to provide…


Suprema biometric solutions receives FBI certification

Suprema, Inc., a provider of biometrics and identification solutions, announced that the company’s latest fingerprint live scanners tested in full…


Ft. Lauderdale police using electronic fingerprinting for background checks

Fort Lauderdale Police have introduced live scan fingerprinting for employment background checks. Live Scan captures fingerprints electronically and transmits them…

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