Danish Police turn to Steria for AFIS and biometrics system
The Danish Police has selected Steria for an eight-year biometrics program. The project will build upon the Danish Police’s existing biometrics system, with the company’s automated fingerprint identification system, SteriaAFIS.
Along with the SteriaAFIS, the company will provide the Danish Police with a range of in-house solutions and tools, including the SteriaFIT and enrolment stations with livescanners.
According to the company, once built, these solutions will meet the Police’s specific needs and enable fast, electronic capture and biometric matching of fingerprints in large databases, completely replacing the need for manual interaction with paper and ink-based enrolment of criminals from a forensics expert.
“By supporting the Danish Police with such an important, transformational project, we expect that homeland security and law enforcement agencies globally will see how powerful and essential biometry is in today’s complex, modern world,” Trygve Solem, Head of Biometrics at Steria said. “This contract signals the beginning of a real breakthrough for Steria in this domain, which the company will continue to champion for years to come.”
Also according to the company, Steria has delivered biometrics solutions to customers in 27 countries, including the UK, Switzerland, France, Germany, Denmark and Norway.
Article Topics
AFIS | fingerprint | fingerprint biometrics | law enforcement | Steria
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