Indra leading project to enhance automated border control gates for Europe
Indra is leading a new European R&D initiative to enhance airport automated border control systems. The project has a budget of 16.8 million euros.
Dubbed Automated Border Control Gates for Europe, the project is designed to update and integrate existing ABC Gates systems and extend their use to second-generation passports and third-country nationals from outside the European Union.
The past few years has already seen many ABC Gates deployed in the main European airports, however, most of them were merely pilot projects meant to test their capability to boost border crossing speed, security and automation and decrease false rejection rates.
These systems checked the authenticity of a passenger’s identity card or passport using a range of biometric parameters, such as fingerprints and facial features, and verified that it did, in fact, belong to the holder.
Right now, only EU citizens are able to use these systems. The project aims to extend their use to non-EU nationals by first assessing the feasibility of integrating them with a future register that regular travellers can join for automated border pass.
The organization will also work towards improving the management of the latest generation passports, which are equipped with high-security features and biometric information.
Indra says harmonizing systems continues to be one of the most significant concerns. The ABC4EU project strives to address this challenge by ensuring that passengers always have the same experience, regardless of which company has developed the system.
The harmonizing of systems will also make it easier to implement because border control authorities will no longer be impacted by any interconnection or compatibility issues.
ABC4EU will identify the criteria for a flexible, integrated and interoperable ABC system at EU level, especially harmonization in the areas of ePassport management, biometrics, gate design, human interface, processes, signalling and interoperability.
By analyzing these ABC systems along with other key technology involved in border security processes, the consortium will be able to handle increasing passenger flows, whilst maintaining security.
The ABC4EU consortium is comprised of 15 partners from Spain, Ireland, Finland, Portugal, Germany, Romania and Estonia. Led by Indra, the consortium also includes Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Vision-Box, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Eticas Research & Consulting, CIES, Dermalog, Cognitec, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Università Degli Studi Di Milano, Safe ID, Cuerpo Nacional de Policía, Serviço de Estrangeiros E Fronteiras, Estonian Police and Border Guard Board, and the General Directorate on Communication and Information Technology (Romanian Ministry of Administration and Interior).
Article Topics
airports | biometrics | border control | border management | ePassports | Europe | Indra
Indra leading project to enhance automated border control gates for Europe: #biometrics @indracompany
Indra leading project to enhance automated border control gates for Europe:
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