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Identilock uses fingerprint technology to keep handguns secure


After three years of development, the Identilock smart gun lock by Sentinl launched today at CES and is also now available for online purchase from the company’s web site.

The device uses fingerprint technology to allow only authorized users access to a gun. Identilock clamps to the firearm, preventing access until activated by the authorized fingerprint. Multiple sets of fingerprints can be authorized to unlock the gun, allowing access to trusted users. The gun owner can also easily remove people from the Identilock’s profile.

Identilock also has a built-in redundant key-override that allows access and is used to enroll additional trusted user fingerprints.

A rechargeable lithium-ion battery in the device provides up to six months of active standby and is recharged via USB.

“Identilock is a solution that allows responsible firearm owners to protect themselves and their families at the same time,” said Identilock inventor Omer Kiyani.

Kiyani enlisted a multi-disciplined team of designers and engineers to create a safety mechanism that allows instant gun access while prioritizing reliability. His team of advisers includes Tom Lasorda, former CEO of Chrysler.

“As a gun owner myself, I understand how Identilock must be completely reliable,” Kiyani said. “Through my own expertise and network, I’ve incorporated only the most advanced technology designed by the nation’s best safety engineers to create a product that works effectively, every time.”

All design and manufacturing takes place in Detroit and Identilock is built on the same assembly lines used by major automotive OEMs.

Kiyani created Identilock with a grant from Smart Tech Challenges Foundation Firearms Challenge, a Silicon Valley-based organization cofounded by Ron Conway, and with the backing of IncWell venture capital firm.

The device costs $319 USD and is available for purchase online, with an expected delivery date in summer 2016.

Identilock is exhibiting this week at CES and will also be exhibiting at the SHOT Show 2016 from January 19 to 22 in Las Vegas.

A full list of Identilock compatible firearms is available online here.

Earlier this week, the President of the United States ordered the Departments of Defense, Justice, and Homeland Security to conduct or sponsor research into gun safety technology and explore the availability of smart gun technology in an effort to find ways to further its use and development.

In his address, Obama said; “We need to develop new technologies that make guns safer. If we can set it up so that you can’t unlock your phone unless you’ve got the right fingerprint, why can’t we do the same for our guns?”

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