Biometrics and Privacy online training program launching in Europe
Swiss Distance Learning University in association with the Swiss Centre for Biometric Research and Testing from the IDIAP Institute, is launching a new online training program focused on biometrics and privacy this April.
The Certificate of Advanced Studies in Biometrics and Privacy is the only online educational program of its kind available for company, government service and organization executives in all sectors.
The program will comprise of six courses spanning the topics of biometric technologies, data protection and standards, privacy preservation, compliance with privacy regulations, ethics and cultural issues, and forensic science.
The courses will be taught by a range of international specialists including Dr Sebastien Marcel, senior researcher on at the IDIAP Research Institute in Switzerland; Professor Dr Katerina Mitrokotsa, associate professor at Chalmers University’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Sweden, Professor Els Kindt, e-law researcher at Leiden University in Belgium; Dr Emilio Mordini, president of Responsible Technology SAS in Paris; Professor Dr Christoph Busch, professor at Norwegian University of Science and Technology’s (NTNU) faculty of computer science and media technology in Gjøvik, Norway; and Professor Christophe Champod, professor in forensic science at the University of Lausanne’s forensic science at the University of Lausanne.
The new program prepares companies to tackle compliance issues related to Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation, which will go into effect in May 2018.
All candidates must have either a university or equivalent diploma, have at least three years of relevant training or professional experience, and be proficient in English.
The registration deadline for the program, which issues a degree that is recognized all over the European Union, is on February 28.
Last May, the Idiap Research Institute detailed many of its national and international research projects in the area of biometric cybersecurity, which have received several tens of millions of Swiss francs in funding.
Article Topics
biometrics | Europe | forensics | Idiap | privacy | Swiss Center for Biometrics Research and Testing | training