Integrated Biometrics, SBS Biometrics Solutions partner for joint R&D project
Integrated Biometrics announced they are an awardee of the fourth round of bilateral project proposals between The Global Alliance for South Carolina (GASC) and the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA).
The South Carolina – Israel Industry R&D Program seeks to stimulate generation and development of new or significantly improved products or processes for commercialization in global markets. The program is being managed by GASC on behalf of the state of South Carolina, and by IIA on behalf of the state of Israel. The program has an annual ‘call for proposals’ in which teams from South Carolina and Israel may submit funding applications.
The current project award will focus on developing a pocket-sized identity verification device that combines multi-biometric and smart-card capabilities for use in security and defense, border control, national identification, point-of-sale and public safety applications. Other applications for the hand-held smart biometric device would be in the medical and financial sectors. The project team, consisting of Integrated Biometrics of Spartanburg, SC., and SBS Biometric Solutions of Haluzh, Israel, plan to complete its development effort during an 18-month period of performance.
The challenge of this project is the need to provide certified identity verification services at remote, off-grid, or mobile locations where little or no supporting infrastructure is available, and to provide these services with the same level of quality available at centralized locations such as commercial or government departments that have complex and complete technical infrastructure.
“We’re extremely pleased to be part of this great GASC/IIA program, and to be working with SBS Biometrics Solutions on innovative new technologies for the biometric identification and enrollment sector,” said Stephen Thies, CEO of Integrated Biometrics. “We’re confident this project will yield cutting-edge products that will meet important, existing needs for biometric sensors for a growing global market.”
Article Topics
biometrics | identity verification | Integrated Biometrics | multi-modal | partnership | research and development