iiDENTIFii reports surge in automated facial recognition and authentication demand

iiDENTIFii has announced its biometric facial recognition technology can maintain system security during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, by enabling a no-touch authentication platform, the company said.
Following global shutdown of multiple public spaces and businesses, iiDENTIFii has noticed an increased demand for its solutions from different vertical in medical healthcare and online education in South Africa. As World Health Organization expects this virus to have a detrimental effect on society and global economy, iiDENTIFii says it is working relentlessly to process all requests for frictionless, remote authentication.
“We believe that this pandemic, which has created a sudden need for social distancing, has fast tracked the consideration of remote digital authentication across the globe,” says Gur Geva, Co-CEO of iiDENTIFii, in a prepared statement.
iiDENTIFii claims its facial recognition technology has accurately processed large data troves due to its algorithms and patented light technology customized per ethnic group. It also leverages a step-down technology which allegedly works through the masks used to protect against coronavirus infection. A Software Development Kit easily integrates the technology with mobile platforms and lets customers tailor it to their needs.
The company will donate some of the profit earned during the crisis to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s COVID-19 initiative.
Article Topics
authentication | biometrics | contactless biometrics | facial authentication | facial recognition | iiDENTIFii | South Africa