Queensland introduces legislation to back digital ID from Thales

The government of Queensland has introduced a bill to support the roll-out of digital driver’s licenses in the state, iTnews.com.au reports.
The Transport and Other Legislation (Road Safety, Technology and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 2020 would amend existing laws to include the app currently in production from Thales as a legally recognized credential throughout Queensland. The ISO-compliant app provides access to digital versions of driver’s licenses, photo ID cards and recreational marine licenses, and delivers reminders for vehicle or vessel registration, due fines and license expiry. In the future, it could provide access to more online government services, such as registration fee payments, for the state’s 3.7 million people.
“As a result of these amendments, when you need to prove your identity to government you will be able to use the app in the same way you would use a physical product such as a driver’s licence,” Transport Minister Mark Bailey told state parliament.
The government’s goal is to ease interactions between citizens and government agencies.
A pilot is planned for April in the Fraser Coast area, which is a delay of several months from previously announced plans. The pilot will inform the final design of both the app and the legislation that backs it. The trial is also expected to expand. While it is ongoing, residents are still expected to carry their physical IDs.
The biometric features of the digital ID are expected to be tested in the first half of this year, according to a recent announcement from Australia’s Digital Transformation Agency (DTA).
Article Topics
Australia | biometrics | digital identity | driver's license | identity document | Thales Digital Identity and Security