ID4Africa 2020: Marathon of Innovations
ID4Africa 2020: Marathon of Innovations
December 8-10, 2020
ID4Africa 2020: Marathon of Innovations is an all-new virtual conference and expo experience focused on identity solutions for the new world. It brings together thousands of like-minded professionals from across the globe for three days of intense knowledge-sharing, networking, and explorations of innovations in response to new identity management realities.
The event is designed to complement the ongoing ID4Africa LiveCast episodes but with heightened engagement through guided tours, competitions, prizes, surprises, and more! It combines six info-rich symposiums with an innovation world tour (IWT) which broadcasts live from actual showrooms in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Africa – from anywhere developers are making progress.
Find out more and register today.
Article Topics
biometrics | conferences | digital identity | ID4Africa | Identification for Development (ID4D) | identity management | webinar