eu-LISA industry roundtable to explore AI and biometric database interoperability
EU operational technology management agency eu-LISA is to host an industry roundtable in November focusing on ‘Artificial Intelligence in Large-scale IT Systems: Opportunities and Challenges’ to provide a forum for industry stakeholders to exchange views on particular AI applications, including biometrics.
Companies are invited to participate in the event by presenting an innovative technology, product or service.
EU agencies are increasingly turning to AI and machine learning solutions in areas such as border and migration management through the development of large-scale systems and increased processing of biometric data.
The agency’s 2019 roundtable focused on biometrics at Land and Sea Borders for managing expedited border crossings of vehicles and pedestrians.
Eu-LISA and border security agency Frontex are already exploring the integration of an AI-based screening system within the scope of the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) to profile travelers automatically, based on predetermined risk factors and screening rules, according to eu-LISA. Other EU databases such as Eurodac hold biometric data, along with the Common Identity Repository (CIR) (where Eurodac data is proposed to be stored), which are accessible under recast interoperability regulations.
Eu-LISA is set to play a crucial role in the technical implementation and development of interoperability of EU information systems, and will not result in the collection of more data, says the agency, but rather more intelligent ways of using existing data.
Some, however are arguing that new interoperability regulations are prioritizing the development of new tools for security purposes at the expense of the human rights of migrants. A new proposal — the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) — meanwhile was adopted by the EU this year to better regulate AI-based solutions, and is already expected to be tightened.
The roundtable event will target several different applications of AI technologies including; Advanced data analytics and forecasting; AI for advanced data analytics in IT operations; Privacy-preserving technologies for data analytics and AI; and biometric recognition technologies.
The Call for Expression of Interest is open until 7 September 2021, and registration details will be released at the beginning of October 2021.
Article Topics
AI | biometric data | biometric database | biometrics | border management | border security | ETIAS | EU | eu-LISA | interoperability | regulation