AuthenticID, ROC execs have advice for navigating the AI-driven cyber threat landscape
Artificial intelligence is not only bringing a new level of sophistication to the efforts of fraudsters, but enabling them to automate cyber attacks with bots. Identifying those bots and detecting AI-powered fraud requires a similar advance in identity verification and authentication with technologies like liveness detection and behavioral biometrics.
How to do so will be explored in an hour-long webinar hosted by Biometric Update on September 19. “Battle of the Bots: Countering AI Attack with Identity Proofing” will feature AuthenticID President and Founder Blair Cohen and Rank One Computing CRO Benji Hutchinson in a discussion moderated by Biometric Update Managing Editor Chris Burt.
The identity fraud and cyber threat landscape, how AI algorithms are used against each other, and best practices for securing interactions without compromising user experience or privacy will be discussed in-depth, followed by an opportunity for audience participation. Topics will also include regulatory considerations and how to properly implement facial recognition.
Register for free to attend the webinar live and receive access to an on-demand recording.
Article Topics
AuthenticID | biometrics | digital identity | identity verification | ROC | webinar