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Alaska posts RFP for $2M fingerprint biometric processing system

Alaska posts RFP for $2M fingerprint biometric processing system

The Alaska Department of Public Safety has posted a request for proposals for a biometric fingerprint processing system. Those submitting proposals must have prior experience implementing a fingerprinting software system for a government agency similar or larger in size than Alaska’s current system which sees 70,000 transactions each year.

The department currently uses a set of legacy apps as the backend for its fingerprint transaction tracking. The system is made of apps developed over the course of 30 years by multiple programmers and has been updated in response to various changes in law and technology.

The RFP calls for a unified system that will integrate with apps used by Computer Projects of Illinois, a department partner supporting the system’s modernization since 2021. It should also comply with the FBI Alternative-National Fingerprint File and facilitate sharing biometrics between the FBI and the Western Identification Network.

The system should have a user-friendly interface, fingerprint livescan importing, and improve on the load transaction time compared to the legacy system. It should integrate with document scanners and scan paper or digital fingerprint card import types with NIST formatting. The software should also support submissions of any biometric modality compliant with the FBI’s electronic biometric transmission specification (EBTS).

The project should include a service to migrate data from the legacy fingerprint archive (containing roughly 5 million fingerprint cards) to the new system. It should also meet data retention requirements to include audit logs documenting modifications to records in a format that facilitates analysis and customizable data searches. It should also allow agencies to pull up cited offenses and the reason fingerprinted.

The resulting system should meet and maintain qualification for the Alternative National Fingerprint File (A-NFF) and should be interoperable with various government agency apps.

Bidders may choose to include a biometric data archive that facilitates the downloading of biometric records.

Projects should comply with state laws. The project’s budget should not exceed $2,000,000. Preference is given to Alaska bidders.

A pre-proposal conference will be held on February 8, 2924, at 10:00 Alaska Time. The deadline for proposals is February 27th, 2024, at 4:30 pm Alaska Time. You can find the RFP on the state website.

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