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Articles By ID R&D

ID R&D offers biometric authentication technologies for enterprise customers and solution providers.


Voice Biometric Revolution – Why voice ID is now secure enough for device unlock

There are numerous circumstances where a user needs hands-free access and cannot touch or look at the device directly. This…


Understanding single frame passive facial liveness

Facial biometric liveness detection ensures that fraudsters cannot use high resolution print outs, masks or video to spoof face recognition…


Consumer versus enterprise-grade biometrics

Many enterprises rely on consumer-grade deployments to enable their customers to bypass the normal login process in the company’s mobile…


Telco contact center fraud detector

When it comes to identity fraud specifically for telcos, fraudsters target the contact center with various scams. Fortunately, the latest…


The important role of liveness detection in face biometric authentication

In order for face biometrics to truly gain mainstream adoption as a better mode of authentication, it is essential to…

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