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4F., No. 33, Keya Rd.,
Daya Dist, Taichung City,
Taiwan 42881

Jinco Universal

Website: jinco.com.tw

Taiwan-based JINCO Universal has leveraged its expertise in advanced cold lamination technology and RFID to actively develop and produce ISO-format smart cards, including fingerprint biometric cards with or without rechargeable batteries, in either 13.56Mhz or 125Khz as well as one-time password (OTP) display, dot matrix display, Bluetooth, acoustic, and RFID capabilities.

Jinco Universal Biometrics News


Feitian choses Fingerprint Cards biometrics for new payment and access cards

Feitian will build its biometric payment and access cards with the T-Shape (T2) sensor module and BEP software platform from Fingerprint…

Jul 24, 2018

JINCO deploys IDEX sensor in its multi-use dual interface biometric cards

JINCO continues to extend its position as a world leader in powered smart card technology. The Taiwan-based company has successfully…

Nov 2, 2017

Jinco poised to follow up big year in biometric smart card sales

Jinco is extending its position as a world leader in powered smart card technology with a series of agreements and…

Brand Focus: Jinco Universal


Jinco poised to follow up big year in biometric smart card sales

Jinco is extending its position as a world leader in powered smart card technology with a series of agreements and…

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