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artificial intelligence

Biometric Update regularly authors news regarding the term "artificial intelligence." The following set of links is available to assist you with finding biometrics news about "artificial intelligence" and other relevant terms. Additional tags may be perused by accessing our entire Biometrics Topics list.


Anolytics provides a high-quality and low-cost annotation service for the construction of machine learning and artificial intelligence models. It uses…


MadEye offers embedded solutions for artificial intelligence based appliances, including revolutionary design for face recognition stand-alone unit aiming to replace…


Real-time remote biometrics banned in EU with final green light for AI Act

The European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act received a final green light allowing it to become the world’s first major regulation…


Metrics that matter – How to evaluate identity verification technology

If you’re confused by all the identity verification solutions on the market and how they’re different, you’re not alone. With…


Deduce creates tools to fight AI-generated identity fraud. Deduce detects SuperSynthetic customers–AI-generated identities so realistic they fool legacy fraud solutions….


Global Semiconductor and Electronics Forum (GSEF)

Global Semiconductor and Electronics Forum (GSEF) San Diego, California October 26-27, 2023 Global Semiconductor and Electronics Forum (GSEF) 2023 brings…


From earbuds to automobiles, Syntiant is leading the way for deploying artificial intelligence at the edge. Its technology brings powerful…

Typing AI Biometrics

Typing AI is a secure typing biometrics authentication API that identifies users by the way they type. The keystrokes detection…


Wicket is a computer vision AI company that reduces friction, enhances customer experience, and empowers facility staff in sports and…


Vsoft is a Brazilian IDtech specialized in biometrics and artificial intelligence for identifying people and fighting fraud in document issuance…

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