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Biometric Update regularly releases posts regarding the term "Fairface." The following set of links is available to help you find biometrics news related to "Fairface" and other relevant terms. More tags may be explored by reviewing our entire Biometrics Topics list.


Bias found in new OpenAI computer vision model

An audit conducted with OpenAI’s former policy director Jack Clark has found gender and age bias in the firm’s latest…


Trueface explains reducing bias in face biometrics model

Trueface says that the Fairface face biometrics dataset has helped quantify bias factors in its TFV5 facial recognition model, enabling…


Researchers show modest progress in face biometrics bias reduction, find a possible cause

Facial recognition developers appear to be making progress in reducing “bias” or demographic disparities in biometric accuracy, based on the…


Trueface evaluates bias factor in its biometric facial recognition model

In a recent evaluation, Trueface investigated the bias factor in its biometric facial recognition technology by using a unique dataset…

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