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Biometric Update regularly authors posts about the topic "nypd." The following list of links is available to help you find biometrics news about "nypd" and other relevant terms. More tags may be perused by accessing our complete Biometrics Topics list.


NYC argues over increased scrutiny for police use of facial recognition

An argument against giving police facial recognition surveillance is that transparency is hard to guarantee because law enforcement officials equate…


NYPD fleet to become 360-degree surveillance hubs, cops film Drake concert goers

The New York Police Department has given a preview of its new vehicles which will include 360-degree surveillance. The news…


Ring keeps pushing the boundaries for facial recognition in US policing

Watching the New York Police Department’s expansion into facial recognition technology and practices is like witnessing someone who is not…


Facial recognition in surveillance keeps growing, but so do doubts

Several deployments of new face biometrics for surveillance reportedly have failed to deliver on crime-fighting promises. The first is the…


NYPD uses obtuse language to avoid revealing what surveillance, biometrics it deploys

The first report by the Office of the Inspector General for the New York Police Department (OIG-NYPD) since the 2020…


Attorneys, digital rights advocates want facial recognition process open to discovery in court

Two digital rights groups and a defendants’ rights association are arguing in a New Jersey court that evidence discovery in…


NYPD to produce biometric monitoring of protesters or reply individually why it can’t

The state Supreme Court has ordered the New York Police Department to hand over 2,700 documents from 2020 related the…


Police in NYC, South Wales, Dubai deploy more facial recognition, with public support in US

A new survey by Pew Research shows 46 percent of U.S. adults think the “widespread use of facial recognition technology…


NYPD’s $159M ‘surveillance slush fund’ used to buy facial recognition software, x-ray vans

Facial recognition and predictive policing software, ‘stingray’ cell tower simulators and vans equipped with x-ray machines to detect weapons were…


Rebuffed by NYPD, Amnesty sues to learn biometric surveillance details

Demonstrating how not to create trust in AI, the New York Police Department have refused to make public face biometrics…

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