Wavefront Biometric Technologies files provisional patent application
Australian-based biometric technology startup Wavefront Biometric Technologies Pty Ltd has filed a provisional patent application over newly identified intellectual property generated during the Phase 2 development program.
Previously reported, Nemex Resources increased its interest in Wavefront to 40%, with the option to increase it to 51%.
The patent application entitled “Multi-Biometric Authentication” is an extension of Wavefront’s “Corneal Authentication” patent.
According to the patent application, the multi-biometric authentication system combines the features of the cornea with key features of the iris using a single sensor to capture multiple components of the eye.
The system is entirely unique in that it captures the identifying features of the eye while ensuring that eye is from a real human, serving as a built-in “Liveness Test”.
Article Topics
Australia | cornea | eyeprint | patents | Wavefront Biometric Technologies
Wavefront Biometric Technologies files provisional patent application http://t.co/wZvchGiie8 #biometric #security
Wavefront Biometric Technologies files provisional patent application: http://t.co/TEFCuMM7vJ
Wavefront Biometric Technologies files provisional patent application:
RT @BiometricUpdate: Wavefront Biometric Technologies files provisional patent application: http://t.co/UH5iV7qMoI
RT @BiometricUpdate: Wavefront Biometric Technologies files provisional patent application: http://t.co/VP6SV1T0HM
RT @BiometricUpdate: Wavefront Biometric Technologies files provisional patent application: http://t.co/nXCNGO1JjM