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BRIVAS patents biometric authentication method using liveness verification


BRIVAS announced it has been granted a US patent for a biometric authentication method called “Authentication Method Using Liveness Verification” which requires receiving an order from a server to perform an act which is then verified by the server for liveness in real time.

Initially filed on August 14, 2015 and later published on December 31, 2015, patent No. 13/829,180 attributes the technology to inventors Beau Parry and Yasodekshna Boddeti.

In the application, Parry and Boddeti describe the authentication method as relying on “receiving an order from a server to perform an act which is then verified by the server for liveness, [which] may comprise shining a color on an object such as the face of the user, holding a flash at a particular location or a combination of these and other similar acts.”

The authentication method is a continuation of BRIVAS’ previously patented biometric encryption method (No. 13/829,180) entitled “Systems, Methods and Apparatus for Multi-variate Authentication,” which was published nearly a year ago.

“BRIVAS focuses on moving beyond traditional biometrics,” BRIVAS founder and president Beau Parry said in an email exchange with BiometricUpdate.com. “The BRIVAS liveness verification technology involves a variety of server side commands that are random acts the server requests from the user to verify liveness in real time. BRIVAS gains greater spoofing countermeasures by adding this element to biometric transactions.

“The liveness detection can also act as contextual, or circumstantial data, in a wide variety of use cases used in combination with biometrics on mobile for identity assertion. This technology is ideal for an ATM that utilizes mobile biometric authentication in a ‘card-not-needed’ scenario or an identity kiosk.”

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