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Medical examiners deploy WoVo mobile fingerprint ID solution


WoVo Identity Solutions recently introduced its FingerSCAN DecedentID solution which provides coroners and medical examiners with a cleaner and faster way to identify unknown decedents at the scene.

Using the Integrated Biometrics Watson Mini fingerprint scanner, FingerSCAN DecedentID simplifies and expedites the identification process of recently deceased individuals within hours of the death rather than days, enabling them to alert family members faster.

“I knew Coroners and Medical Examiners needed a low cost, mobile solution like this and thought it would only improve and expedite their identification process,” said Kathleen Erickson, CEO and owner of WoVo Identity Solutions. “I had no idea that the benefits would extend beyond this so I’m very pleased and have plans for launching many more mobile apps to benefit various industry groups.”

The new application operates on commercial-of-the-shelf (COTS) Android devices and works with the Integrated Biometrics Watson Mini fingerprint scanner.

The FBI IAFIS-approved and Appendix F-certified fingerprint scanner implements patented LES technology, making it the only biometric technology that can meet the FBI’s strict image performance requirements in a “thin” form factor.

“The FingerSCAN DecedentID application has enabled us to identify decedents within hours of the death, rather than the following day, as was the case with inked prints,” said Harris Neil, a coroner at the Denver Office of the Medical Examiner. “As the application has been moved to its current version, it’s actually possible for me to email a print card to the fingerprint technicians electronically from the scene and get an identity confirmation the same day.”

FingerSCAN DecedentID Jump kits, tablet bundles and software licenses can now be purchased from WoVo Identity Solutions’ online store or by calling the company direct.

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