Drive for official UN International Identity Day launched at ID4Africa

ID4Africa, supported by Nigeria’s National Identity Management Commission (NIMC), announced the launch of a petition to be presented to the United Nations to designate September 16 as “International Identity Day” on the opening day of its annual event for 2018. The goal is to raise awareness for UN sustainable development goal (SDG) 16.9, by having an official day for countries to observe in the way appropriate to the needs of their own identity ecosystems.
September 16 was chosen to correspond with SDG 16.9, which sets a goal of legal identity for all people worldwide by 2030.
The petition was signed by hundreds of delegates on the first day, and is intended to be presented to the UN when it has reached sufficient support to warrant a vote in the General Assembly.
Buttons were given out to attendees, as well as a background information document.
“United Nations observances contribute to the achievement of the purposes of the UN Charter and promote awareness of and action on important political, social, cultural, humanitarian or human rights issues,” the backgrounder quotes from UN documentation. “They provide a useful means for the promotion of international and national action and stimulate interest in United Nations activities and programmes.”
The process could take several years, but it seems likely that the petition will surpass 1500 signatures by the end of ID4Africa 2018 on Thursday.
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biometrics | ID4Africa | identity management | International Identity Day | United Nations