B-Secur launches algorithms for EKG authentication and wellness monitoring
EKG biometrics company B-Secur has launched its new collection of EKG authentication and wellness algorithms, which will soon be available in vehicles, wearables, and “smart wear” through partnerships with several semiconductor companies.
The bespoke Heartkey algorithms deliver real-time health and wellness insights, enabling users to constantly assess and monitor the heart’s electrical and muscular state, and detect potentially dangerous changes in heart rate and rhythm, stress levels fatigue, respiration, and atrial fibrillation, as well as perform biometric authentication.
B-Secur has formed partnerships with Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) to develop biometric steering wheels for the automotive market, as well as Cypress Semiconductor and NXP Semiconductors. The company expects those partnerships to soon bring the technology to market, according to the announcement.
“HeartKey’s algorithms offer greater security that protects not only our devices and vehicles, but more importantly, our physical health and safety,” says B-Secur CEO Alan Foreman. “One of the most flexible and convenient authentication methods available, HeartKey technology also allows users to unlock deep, data-driven insights into their own health and wellness.”
Article Topics
authentication | B-Secur | biometrics | cars | Heart Rate | wearables