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Two expert-moderated biometric technology webinars on tap this week

Professor Anil K. Jain hosts MBZUAI webinar, Dr. Joseph Atick leads ID4Africa livecast
Two expert-moderated biometric technology webinars on tap this week

Abu Dhabi’s Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI) is inviting the public to attend its free webinar titled “Biometric Recognition: How do I Know Who You Are?” on September 1 from 6pm UAE time.

The webinar host is Professor Anil K. Jain, member of MBZUAI’s Board of Trustees and Distinguished Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan State University.

The discussion will focus on AI research in biometrics and emerging applications. It will address user privacy and security concerns, as well as opportunities provided by biometric and facial recognition systems developed post-COVID-19. Case studies to be presented include key areas of biometrics application for airport security and how the UAE is a leader in the adoption of biometrics recognition technology.

“Biometric technology is increasingly prominent in its applications to enhance user security, verify national ID, secure access control, and deter financial fraud,” said Professor Anil K. Jain, in a prepared statement. “Despite the progress made, a number of challenges and lack of understanding amongst the general public continue to inhibit the full potential of biometrics. In this talk I will highlight state of the art in biometrics and emphasize research topics to enhance the reliability, security and accuracy of biometric recognition algorithms.”

On September 3 at 2:30 CET ID4Africa is presenting a Spotlight Session on Face Recognition Technology. The session will start with a keynote that presents NIST‘s latest assessments of the state of the art of facial recognition technology, its biases and limitations. The session will then explore recent case studies where this biometric technology has been deployed in identity systems in the service of development, followed by a cautionary note on the responsible use of racial recognition technology.

The moderator of this session is Dr. Joseph Atick, a recognized world renowned advocate and expert on identity matters. The keynote speaker is Patrick Grother, Head of Biometric Evaluation Program at NIST. Pam Dixon, Executive Director of the World Privacy Forum and Teki A. Falconer, Founder & Executive Director of Africa Digital Rights’ Hub will also participate. Case studies will be presented by Sita, Innovatrics, Tech5 and Veridos.

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