ID4Africa livecast – Spotlight on Facial Recognition Technology
ID4Africa livecast – Spotlight on Facial Recognition Technology
September 3, 2020 at 2:30pm CET
Facial recognition technology has continued to gain prominence as a scalable and reliable biometric with a wide range of potential applications. Interest in facial recognition technology was fueled by recent performance breakthroughs and by the increased attention to contactless biometrics in the aftermath of COVID-19.
In view of its significance and the current elevated interest, ID4Africa is organizing this Spotlight Session on Face Recognition Technology. The session starts with a keynote that presents NIST‘s latest assessments of the state of the art of facial recognition technology, its biases and limitations. The session will then explore recent case studies where the technology has been deployed in the service of development, followed by a cautionary note on the responsible use of racial recognition technology.
Article Topics
best practices | biometrics | facial recognition | ID4Africa | NIST | webinar