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Incode selected by hotel group to develop seamless processes with biometrics

Incode selected by hotel group to develop seamless processes with biometrics

Incode Technologies has been selected by global luxury hospitality company Jumeirah Group to innovate guest experiences and reduce time-consuming processes with biometrics.

The partnership will address the complete hotel or resort experience to provide seamless experiences, with fully automated biometric identity verification of guests and associates with Jumeirah One accounts, and biometrically-enabled contactless payments without using a physical payment card. A digital ID is automatically created for each guest from previously-collected IDs and payment sources, after which a guest can manage each interaction in their journey with their face biometrics.

The identity-centric journey is described in the announcement as including processes from booking on Jumeirah.com and accessing a digital key, to ordering amenities and room service.

Jumeirah Group operates 24 properties in 8 countries.

“Time is precious for our guests and so we constantly look at ways in which to make their experience as seamless as possible so they can maximize their time with loved ones,” comments Pedro Deakin, SVP of Brand & Design at Jumeirah Group. “With our new partnership with Incode, we will leverage the system’s personal recognition capabilities and connectivity so that our in-house systems can intuitively tailor the guest experience based on purchasing behaviour and stored personal preferences, building trust and strengthening connections.”

“We are honoured to have the opportunity to partner with Jumeirah Group – visionaries in luxury guest experiences – to pave the way for a new generation of highly curated and personalised services,” says Ricardo Amper, founder and CEO of Incode. “Together, we have created an experience that brings a ‘wow’ factor, creating ‘aha’ moments across every touchpoint in the guest journey. By remodelling and removing friction across these experiences, we are building trust and creating delight between hotels and their customers.”

Fast Company honors ‘World Changing Idea’

Incode has also been named one of ten finalists in Fast Company’s World Changing Ideas Awards for established companies, for its next-generation identity verification solution.

In a post to the Incode website, Senior Vice President Kevin Sheu describes current market failures and his company’s vision for interactions that are easier, while ensuring trust and preserving privacy.

Incode’s biometrics were recently adopted to improve the security of soccer games in Mexico.

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