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Nixu joins with Ioxio on digital identity for smart cities


Cybersecurity services company Nixu is partnering with Ioxio, a digital services and solutions provider.

The collaboration, focused on the creation of an interoperable digital identity for smart cities, saw its first practical application in June in a trusted data-sharing pilot in Jyväskylä, Finland.

The smart city pilot results were unveiled at the ‘City in the Pocket’ event August 4 as part of Jyväskylä’s Business Rally.

The pilot brought together Nixu’s identity access management software and Ioxio’s Dataspace service, enabling fully remote and secure access control to digital services and physical locations in the city.

“We are proud to be a part of a project like this,” says Veera Relander, business unit lead for digital identity at Nixu.

“It is in line with Nixu’s mission to keep the digital society running, and benefits all parties in the society — citizens and the public and private sectors alike,” according to Relander. “We are able to build and provide platforms that speed up digitalization, removing barriers.”

According to Mika Kataikko, leader of the innovation project at Business Jyväskylä, the pilot has been well-received by residents with its benefits being adopted quickly across Kangas, a major development in the city.

“Many people contacted us about joining the pilot to get access to the parking facilities with their home key,” Kataikko says. “With this pilot, we truly managed to create the ‘experienced smartness’ for people that we aim at when developing digital services in Jyväskylä.”

More generally, the development of the project is now moving on to the commercialization phase, in which interested stakeholders are invited to join.

Two additional use cases using the same interoperable digital identity technology have been deployed around home elderly care and sports center services.

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