Compliance win announced by NtechLab after iBeta presentation attack test

A Russian biometrics firm’s software has passed the level two presentation attack detection test established by iBeta.
Passive liveness testing in January involved an iPhone 11 running iOS 15 and a Google Android 11 Pixel, according to a statement from NtechLab. Level one PAD standard compliance tests were completed last year.
The company was specifically testing its FindFace Multi video analytics and biometric ID platform. iBeta found NtechLab’s algorithm had an imposter attack presentation match rate (IAPMR) of 0 percent with the biometric presentation classification error rate (BPCER) tuned to 15 percent.
Capabilities foiling multiple forms of spoofing were tested, including video, photo, two- and three-dimension masks.
Liana Meliksetyan, the company’s chief commercial officer, said compliance is necessary to compete in online government services, transaction processing, biometric payment and automated border control.
NtechLab recently showed Biometric Update videos of its facial recognition software functioning unaffected by adversarial designs in clothing designed to defeat the technology.
Article Topics
biometric liveness detection | biometrics | face biometrics | iBeta | NTechlab | presentation attack detection | research and development | spoof detection