Idiap leads project on biometric template protection for aid distribution efficiency
The Biometrics Security and Privacy (BSP) group within the Idiap Research Institute will run a research project on the development…
Biometric Update regularly releases articles related to the term "Red Cross." The following list of links is available to assist you with finding biometrics news concerning "Red Cross" and other relevant terms. Additional topics may be perused by accessing our complete Biometrics Topics list.
The Biometrics Security and Privacy (BSP) group within the Idiap Research Institute will run a research project on the development…
Researchers have devised a tool that uses biometrics to avoid multiple registrations in humanitarian aid. A problem that humanitarian efforts…
Wouter Lueks, faculty member at the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security in Germany explained a proposed system for digital…
A mission-specific blockchain wallet – for people who have survived a disaster — has been launched with funding from the…
A digital identity wallet has been lauded for its potential to create positive impact on inclusion in Australia, ahead of…
The results of six scientific research projects carried out under an initiative dubbed Engineering for Humanitarian Action are expected to…
Biometrics were the theme of the month for September in the ICRC’s Digital Dilemmas series of talks and debates on aspects…
Digital Dilemmas Debate: Biometrics – ‘Overpurposed’ by design? Online September 30, 2021, 14:00 – 15:00 CET The Digital Dilemmas Debates…
Biometrics, personal data and humanitarian protection Online September 22, 2021, 10:00-10:30 CET The International Committee of The Red Cross is…
A report into the various uses of digital ID in humanitarian settings brings together the many risks and challenges as…