M2SYS announces support for light emitting sensor from Integrated Biometrics
M2SYS has announced that it will support the “Sherlock” LES fingerprint sensor from Integrated Biometrics through its Hybrid Biometric Platform.
According to M2SYS, the Sherlock light-emitting sensor (LES) is the first non-optical fingerprint sensor to achieve FBI Appendix F certification, and provides the highest forensic-quality roll image in the smallest and lightest form factor in the market today.
As we’ve previously reported, LES technology utilizes a highly engineered charged polymer film, which interacts with the specific properties of human skin to luminesce fingerprint images.
“M2SYS Technology’s continued effort to support a variety of leading devices in the marketplace reinforces our commitment to customer success,” Bill Dumont, Executive Vice President of M2SYS Technology said. “The extensive research and development into this progressive light emitting fingerprint sensor ,its Appendix F FBI certification, and its ability to quickly and accurately capture moist or dry fingerprints in any environment was a key decision for our support of the ‘Sherlock’ LES fingerprint sensor.”
As reported previously in BiometricUpdate.com, Integrated Biometrics has also created a very thin two-finger scanner, dubbed the Watson-Mini, which also utilizes the same Integrated Biometrics LES technology.
Also reported previously, M2SYS recently launched a new biometric system to fight child abduction, called the KinderGuardian.
Article Topics
fingerprint | Integrated Biometrics | M2SYS Technology
@BiometricUpdate Thanks for mentioning the news release from today!
M2SYS announces support for light emitting sensor from Integrated Biometrics: M2SYS has a… http://t.co/XBe3pJsXpf via @BiometricUpdate
@M2SYS announces support for light emitting sensor from Integrated #Biometrics http://t.co/v8Vo5B54y1 via @adamvrankulj & @BiometricUpdate
@adamvrankulj Thanks for covering the news
RT @BiometricUpdate: .@M2SYS announces support for light emitting sensor from Integrated Biometrics http://t.co/7sdWLJOkdE @IBiometrics