DataPro to provide Ipsidy mobile authentication tech to Latin American banks
Financial institution software provider DataPro and identity security company Ipsidy have announced that DataPro will offer Ipsidy’s biometric multi-factor authentication service IdLok to financial institutions in Latin America.
IdLok is a suite of mobile applications for frictionless identity authentication, specifically designed for use by the customers of financial institutions. DataPro intends to provide IdLok as part of its e-IBS core banking solution to enhance the security and efficiency of online account access.
“We are looking forward to launching the IdLok solution and thereby become an early leader in the Latin American market to utilize this technology,” said Javier Montero, CTO of Datapro. “Identity and cyber security are major issues for our clients and for the financial services industry generally. Our clients seek innovative solutions that protect their customers’ accounts and give them enhanced and convenient control over access to their money. We believe that IdLok will provide our clients with secure identity authentication that achieves these goals in an efficient way.”
IdLok is the authentication technology built on Ipsidy’s identity transaction platform, which can also facilitate transactions for applications including payments, physical and digital access.
Article Topics
banking | biometrics | identity verification | Ipsidy | multifactor authentication