Telpo trademark registered in Nigeria
Guangdong, China-based retail smart device provider Telpo has successfully registered its trademark in Nigeria. The company notes a strong relationship with its Nigerian customers and reportedly exported 12% of its products to the African market in 2018 including smart hardware device to banks, telecom operators and retailers in Nigeria.
This trademark registration enhances Telpo’s business reputation in Nigeria, protects local customers and improves the stability of their imported goods as registered overseas trademarks can facilitate customs clearing goods faster.
Telpo sells it products and services in more than 100 countries and regions including the United States, Britain, Russia, Brazil, Singapore, Nigeria, Japan, South Korea, and other countries.
Telpo recently featured its TPS900 biometric POS payment terminal, the TPS980 3D depth sensing facial recognition machine, the TPS530 smart bus validator and the TPS680 retail cash register machine at 2019 Seamless Middle East.
Article Topics
Africa | biometrics | Nigeria | POS | retail biometrics | Telpo | trademark