ID4Africa calls for submissions from biometrics and ID community for 2020 event speakers
ID4Africa has issued a call for speakers from among government agencies, international development agencies, NGOs and not-for-profit organizations, as well as commercial startups and innovators, for its 2020 annual meeting.
The theme of ID4Africa 2020 is “Identity 360: A Multi-Perspective View on Identity,” and thematic tracks for the event are “digital identity and service,” “open challenges,” “the identity toolbox,” and “data 2020.”
ID4Africa is an NGO founded in 2014 that accompanies African nations on their journeys to develop robust and responsible identity ecosystems in the service of development and humanitarian action. It includes representation from African governments, international development agencies, and the private sector. The annual event is one of the world’s largest and most important meetings of the biometrics and digital ID communities, and the only international platform addressing identity matters at the forefront of the continent’s development agenda. Biometric Update has served as official journalist of ID4Africa since 2016.
Suggested topics include digital and virtual identity, linking civil registers and IDs, enrollment and onboarding, data risks, concerns and mitigation, eService ecosystems, gender equity in ID systems, biometric, mobile and cloud authentication, responsible data use, digital identity for G2P services and payments, free movement and interoperable identity, advances in secure credentials, data mobility to maximize the value of identity data, the private sector role in accelerating impact and scale, humanitarian action, statelessness, PKI and smart cards, national data governance models, data privacy, security, and protection, and R&D in identity from the digital frontiers. Established for-profit industry players are not eligible at this time, but should instead encourage customers or not-for-profit partners to submit presentations, according to the announcement.
Submissions will be reviewed and selected successively until all spots are filled, so should be made as soon as possible through the ID4Africa 2020 website.
UNECA (UN Economic Commission for Africa) Executive Secretary Dr. Vera Songwe recently joined the ID4Africa Board of Advisors, and discussed the importance of universal legal identity for enabling both economic development and individual dignity with Biometric Update.
ID4Africa 2020 will be held June 2 to 4 in Marrakesh, Morocco.
Article Topics
Africa | biometrics | digital identity | ID4Africa | Identity