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Hitachi and Digital Trust Networks test biometric system based on ADI’s open framework

Hitachi and Digital Trust Networks test biometric system based on ADI’s open framework

Hitachi and Digital Trust Networks have tested a biometric solution based on the Accountable Digital Identity Association (ADIA) 1.0 Specification.

The pilot was reportedly conducted in February at an unnamed luxury hotel in Tokyo to assess how digital identity and biometric authentication could reduce hotel check-in times. As part of the tests, hotel staff members confirmed individuals’ identities by checking their digital credentials for COVID-19 vaccination certificates, hotel membership status, and reservation information.

This is not the first time biometrics and digital identity solutions have been used in the hospitality sector in Japan, with similar solutions deployed by NEC and Fujitsu in the past.

In the case of the Hitachi and Digital Trust Networks trials, the elimination of paperwork and manual validation of multiple health documents resulted in check-ins completed 20 percent faster.

“This trial was a great example of the applicability of accountable digital identity to the hospitality industry,” comments Digital Trust Networks CEO Ramesh Kesanupalli, who is also the co-founder of the ADI Association, as well as Nok Nok Labs and the FIDO Alliance.

“Nothing is more important in the digital world than the security of an individual’s identity and the privacy of the data attached to that identity.”

The ADIA Specification was first announced in 2021. The document’s specifications are shaped around the concepts of privacy-preserving accountability and interoperability, and created in line with industry standards from the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF), FIDO Alliance, and World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The ADIA Specification 1.0 sets out a trust framework for the architecture of an interchange ecosystem based on Digital Addresses as identifiers, and utilizing FIDO authentication with biometrics or possession factors.

Idemia has recently joined the board of directors of the ADI Association to further the scope and development of the framework.

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